Ms. Poison Ivy Maven
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Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
I'm having many reactions to the Tips. Mostly is inaccurate, not helpful. Where to begin.
Wash with soap and water?
! Must be oil-cutting soap - shampoo, dish washing or laundry detergent. Hand, face, body soap not likely to break apart urushiol molecules.
Rubbing alcohol is the better first defense.
Urushiol starts to bind to skin at 10 minutes of contact. Experts say we have 20 minutes to wash much of it off. Can be 30 min in my experience.
No drawing out the toxin.
Urushiol chemically attaches to the skin like superglue. Only way to get rid of it is to remove the skin. That's why relief comes after 3, 4 weeks. Outer layer of skin exfoliates. So The urushiol comes off with the skin it's attached to.
Sooth the itch. Very Temporary relief from itching possible from diluted ac vinegar, baking soda paste, oatmeal, cool water, cukes, aloe, cold compresses. Reapply, reapply, reapply.
Keep the rash tamed. We have NO control over our body's immunoreaction! We can only make ourselves more comfortable during the fight against this intruder.
Umar's sponsor Zanfel is an exfoliant cream the company claims reduces symptoms, gives relief. Hasn't worked for me. Does require 5 time-consuming application steps. I may not have had the patience to follow directions exactly.
Rash flaring or worsening is serious sign of trouble. We should seek medical help immediately. May be Serious complications - infection from dirty fingernails scratching, body hyperreacting at prior pi dermatitis sites - likely require medical treatment.

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